Welcome to WPMondo – English!

Episode 2 is in French, with Eddy Boels from Whodunit, and is available on the French site!

Subscribe on the Global site to get our news!

Conversations in several languages

All conversations are casual, friendly and inclusive! We will obviously focus on WordPress related topics but we want to feature you, your life, your points of view, your story!


(names subject to further changes)

  • Host the host: interviews of people who generally host others on their shows
  • Contribution: focus on contributing to the WordPress project
  • Product: focus on agencies, plugins/themes/services vendors, hosting companies, etc.
  • Other: including community, fun and miscellaneous topics

First languages: English, French, Spanish, German! Soon: Italian

Be a host, fill this form! (English, global site)

Be a guest, fill this form! (English, global site)

Be a sponsor, fill this form! (English, global site)


Be in our directory! (Soon…)

News aggregation

WordPress news: submit your favorite news source, in your language! (Soon…)